10 top questions asked by new NX CAM users
Today I prepared for you 10 answers for most common questions, asked by programmers who are just starting their adventure with NX CAM!
0:00:20 – Q1 – “Why my models look bad when I zoom-in?”
0:01:56 – Q2 – “Why my model is broken when I import it?”
0:02:50 – Q3 – “How can I reuse CAM operations from my previous project?”
0:03:58 – Q4 – “My CAM project uses metric units. How can I provide some dimensions in inches?”
0:05:22 – Q5 – “How can I machine multiple, not connected, regions in NX CAM turning in single operation?”
0:06:36 – Q6 – “I can’t see NX dialog windows!”
0:07:23 – Q7 – “Why my tools preview is displayed in some weird position?”
0:08:24 – Q8 – “How can I change one option in multiple operations at the same time?”
0:10:04 – Q9 – “How can I select object which is overlapped by another object?”
0:10:57 – Q10 – “How can I simply generate CAM project summary for machine operator?”
Hi Marek,
Thanks so much for this excellent video, I learned very useful skills from your videos, can you please make videos on how to use NXV (NX to Vericut interface), and if possible how to use MRL in the most efficient way to create universal tool libraries, thanks again and I wish you all the best.
hi, I am very much impressed about your vedios. i would like to take to nx CAM course from you. could you please share the quotation for course and also quotation for NX CAM software separately.
Thank you.